Thank you for visiting our booth at the Ifft exhibition in Tokyo.


This fair allowed us to meet many partners and customers – including potential ones – in a few days, while presenting our “indoor” sustainability project and our BioPic™ brand in Japan.
The fair was a great success and we had the opportunity to explain to many visitors and institutions our “green” philosophy and our innovative products and to let them try the disruptive experience of our mini led gardens to offer wellness and sustainability in any environment.

In summary: they were days of intense and engaging activity, which saw a fruitful discussion and an interesting exchange of knowledge of great professional value.

We are convinced that for the Japanese market the elegance and innovativeness of our BioPic™ Made in Italy solutions make the difference and we will continue to pursue this mission, trying also to constantly develop new methods to increase the well-being of our customers and innovate our services and projects, for a more sustainable world.

In the coming months we hope to establish a collaborative and concrete professional relationship with those who have visited us.

We are at your disposal. For any need or information do not hesitate to contact me:

Renato Reggiani
Renato Reggiani

Renato Reggiani CEO

Biopic srl